Actually, That's a No-Go! Things You Might Unintentionally Do to Your Cat

Actually, That's a No-Go! Things You Might Unintentionally Do to Your Cat

Actually, That's a No-Go! Things You Might Unintentionally Do to Your Cat

Because they are precious, you want to do something for your beloved cat to make them comfortable and happy. It's a wonderful thing to do.

However, that love may unintentionally take a wrong turn.

This time, I've compiled some "Things Not to Do to Cats" based on actions that tend to happen without us realizing.


Table of Contents

1. Cat Nutrition Section
∟ 1-1. Cats may get upset stomachs from drinking milk
∟ 1-2. Is that wet food a complete nutritional meal?
∟ 1-3. Giving therapeutic food without professional advice is dangerous!
2. How to Interact with Cats
∟ 2-1. Never play with cats using your hands!
∟ 2-2. Scolding loudly may make the cat dislike you
3. More Things That Are Actually No-Gos for Cats
∟ 3-1. Introducing a new cat to a resident cat requires caution
∟ 3-2. Don't wash your cat no matter how dirty it is!
∟ 3-3. Have you been throwing away your cat's favorite items without permission?
∟ 3-4. Don't give your cat a summer cut just because it's hot


1. Cat Nutrition Section

1-1. Cats may get upset stomachs from drinking milk

Many owners may have the image of "Cats love milk!" However, giving milk to cats is not recommended.

As cats grow, the enzyme "lactase," which breaks down lactose, decreases. Without enough lactase, cats cannot effectively digest and absorb the lactose in milk. This can lead to diarrhea, a condition known as lactose intolerance.

Also, be cautious about milk allergies. In cases of milk allergy, symptoms such as vomiting shortly after ingestion, rash, and itching a few hours later, and diarrhea the next day may occur.

For cats with lactose intolerance or milk allergies, it's best to avoid dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. While milk is a highly recommended source of nutrients for humans, it's not necessarily essential for cats. If you want to give milk to your cat, choose cat-specific milk.


1-2. Is that wet food a complete nutritional meal?

Cat food is categorized into "regular food" and "complete nutritional food" for specific purposes.

While there are complete nutritional wet foods, most of them fall under the category of "regular food." Regular food is like the "side dish" in human meals. As a result, feeding only regular food may lead to nutritional imbalances.

On the other hand, complete nutritional food is considered the "main course" for cats. It is well-balanced, providing all necessary nutrients when paired with water. If you choose wet food as the main diet, make sure it is labeled as "complete nutritional food."

For those who mainly feed their cats with regular wet food, consider mixing it with complete nutritional dry food or using complete nutritional wet food to maintain a balanced diet.


1-3. Giving therapeutic food without professional advice is dangerous!

Therapeutic food is designed to manage or treat specific health problems in cats, such as urinary tract issues or obesity.

However, giving therapeutic food without professional advice can be risky. If a cat without health problems consumes therapeutic food, it may lead to an imbalance of nutrients and affect their overall health.

Before introducing therapeutic food, consult with a veterinarian to ensure it is suitable for your cat's specific health condition. Professional advice helps in determining the appropriate type and amount of therapeutic food for your cat's well-being.


2. How to Interact with Cats


2-1. Never play with cats using your hands!

Playing with cats using your hands may seem like a fun and interactive way to bond with them. However, it can lead to behavioral issues.

When you use your hands to play with a cat, it may develop habits like biting or scratching. While these behaviors may seem harmless when they are kittens, they can become problematic as the cat grows older and stronger.

Instead of using your hands, opt for toys designed for interactive play. This helps in preventing aggressive behavior towards human hands and maintains a positive interaction between you and your cat.


2-2. Scolding loudly may make the cat dislike you

When a cat does something undesirable, scolding them loudly may seem like a natural response. However, this approach can have negative consequences on your relationship with the cat.

Cats are sensitive animals, and loud scolding may make them associate negative experiences with you. This can lead to fear, anxiety, or avoidance behavior.

Instead of loud scolding, use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. Reward good behavior with treats or affection to create a positive association for your cat.


3. More Things That Are Actually No-Gos for Cats


3-1. Introducing a new cat to a resident cat requires caution

Bringing a new cat into a household with an existing cat can be challenging. Cats are territorial animals, and introducing a new cat abruptly can lead to stress and conflicts.

Before introducing a new cat, follow a gradual and controlled process. Use scent swapping, gradual visual introductions, and controlled interactions to help the cats get accustomed to each other's presence. This minimizes the risk of territorial disputes and promotes a smoother introduction.


3-2. Don't wash your cat no matter how dirty it is!

Cats are known for their grooming habits, and they generally keep themselves clean. However, there may be situations where your cat gets exceptionally dirty, such as getting into mud or sticky substances.

While it may be tempting to give your cat a bath, most cats dislike water, and forcing them into a bath can be stressful. Instead, use cat-friendly grooming wipes or consult with a professional groomer for alternative cleaning methods that don't involve a full bath.


3-3. Have you been throwing away your cat's favorite items without permission?

Cats form strong attachments to their belongings, including toys, blankets, and scratching posts. Even if an item looks worn or dirty to you, it may hold great sentimental value for your cat.

Avoid discarding your cat's favorite items without permission. Instead, try to clean or repair them if possible. If replacement is necessary, gradually introduce new items while keeping the old ones around to help your cat adjust to the change.


3-4. Don't give your cat a summer cut just because it's hot

Cats have a natural coat that helps regulate their body temperature. While it might seem logical to give your cat a summer cut to keep them cool, it's generally not recommended.

Cat fur provides insulation, and removing too much of it can expose your cat to sunburn and other skin issues. If you're concerned about your cat's comfort in hot weather, provide shaded areas, adequate water, and proper grooming to help them stay cool without compromising their natural coat.



Understanding and respecting your cat's needs and preferences is essential for building a strong and positive relationship. By avoiding these unintentional "no-gos" and providing proper care, you can ensure a happy and healthy life for your feline friend.


Source (Japanese)

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