Caring for Your Cat's Health through Urine! From Basics to Tips on Collecting Urine and Preventing Diseases

Caring for Your Cat's Health through Urine! From Basics to Tips on Collecting Urine and Preventing Diseases

Cats are animals that don't drink much water. Therefore, attention is needed for urinary system diseases, including urolithiasis.

However, many cat owners may wonder, "What should I do to take care of it?"

So, this time, we will introduce information about your cat's urine and health. Let's learn about the characteristics of healthy urine and how to manage it properly.


Table of Contents

1. Understanding the State of Healthy Cat Urine
∟1-1. Urination Frequency
∟1-2. Urination Amount
∟1-3. Urine Color
∟1-4. Urine Odor
2. Urine Checkpoints
3. Diseases Recognizable by Abnormal Urination
4. Methods for Collecting Cat Urine
∟4-1. Using a Litter Box
∟4-2. Using a Ladle
∟4-3. Using a Urine Catcher
∟4-4. When Unable to Collect Urine at Home, Have it Done at the Vet
5. Things You Can Do to Prevent Urinary Troubles
∟5-1. Reduce Stress
∟5-2. Arrange the Toilet Environment
∟5-3. Increase Water Intake
6. Recommended Items for Urine Health Management
∟6-1. Convenient Cat Litter that Indicates Abnormalities with Color!
∟6-2. Stay Informed about Urine Conditions with the Smart Toilet "Toletta"


1. Understanding the State of Healthy Cat Urine

To protect your beloved cat from urinary system diseases, it is essential to understand the characteristics of healthy urine.

While there are individual differences among cats, let's get familiar with some general guidelines.


1-1. Urination Frequency

The healthy urination frequency for a cat is 2-3 times a day or 2-4 times a day, with 5 times or more considered excessive.

However, there are variations among individuals, and some cats may urinate only once a day or 4-5 times. If your cat is healthy, it's their natural pace, so observe without being overly anxious.

What you need to be cautious about is a sudden increase or decrease in urination frequency. Even if the frequency seems normal, if a cat that usually urinates twice a day suddenly starts urinating 4-5 times, it's a red flag. There may be an underlying problem.


1-2. Urination Amount

The healthy daily urine amount for a cat is below 50ml per 1kg of body weight. For a cat weighing 4kg, the guideline is around 200ml. You can gauge this by letting the litter absorb 50ml of water and checking the size and weight of the clump.


1-3. Urine Color

Healthy cat urine is said to be a light yellow color.

If the color of the cat's urine becomes lighter than usual, it indicates increased urine volume; if it becomes darker, it indicates a decrease. Additionally, if the urine is pink or red, it may contain blood, and if it is cloudy white, there may be a possibility of bacterial contamination.


1-4. Urine Odor

If you notice a change in the usual urine odor, be cautious as it may indicate urinary system diseases.

For example, if there is no urine odor, it could be a sign of chronic kidney disease. If the urine smells sweet and sour, it could be diabetes, and if it has a stronger, stinging odor, it may indicate bacterial cystitis.


2. Urine Checkpoints

We will introduce urine checkpoints that cat owners can regularly check. If you observe the following symptoms, there may be a possibility of illness.

  • ・Urinating outside the litter box
  • ・Frequent visits to the litter box
  • ・Pain or vocalization during urination
  • ・Urinating in red or pink color
  • ・Frequently licking the abdomen or genital area
  • ・Low urine volume or no urine
  • ・Excessive urine volume

Particularly noteworthy is the symptom of "no urine." If a cat assumes the posture for urination but only releases little or no urine, or if no urine has been released for more than 24 hours, it may be a dangerous condition. Seek veterinary attention promptly.


3. Diseases Recognizable by Abnormal Urination

Cats are prone to urinary system diseases due to their low water intake. Urinary system diseases are often noticed by abnormalities such as increased toilet frequency, blood in urine, or lack of urine.

In particular, the following diseases are commonly seen in cats. We will also introduce points to identify them, so please refer to them.


■ Urolithiasis

  • * Blood in urine
  • * Increased frequency of toilet visits
  • * Vocalizing in pain during urination

■ Bacterial Cystitis

  • * Frequent visits to the toilet
  • * Blood in urine

■ Bladder Tumors

  • * Frequent visits to the toilet
  • * Difficulty urinating
  • * Blood in urine

■ Chronic Kidney Disease

  • * Reduced urine volume
  • * Lack of urine
  • * Lack of urine odor


4. Methods for Collecting Cat Urine

When taking care of your cat's health, it is important to regularly check their urine. We will introduce methods for collecting cat urine at home.


4-1. Using a Litter Box

This is the easiest way to collect cat urine. Simply place a non-absorbent litter in the litter box and collect the urine with a ladle or syringe. Be sure to collect the urine within 12 hours to get accurate test results.


4-2. Using a Ladle


4-3. Using a Urine Catcher

This is a tool designed to collect urine directly. It is convenient for collecting a small amount of urine. However, it may be difficult to collect a sufficient amount for testing, so it is not recommended for routine use.


4-4. When Unable to Collect Urine at Home, Have it Done at the Vet

If you find it difficult to collect urine at home or if your cat is uncooperative, it is recommended to have the urine collected at the vet. The veterinarian will be able to perform a more thorough examination.


5. Things You Can Do to Prevent Urinary Troubles

We will introduce some tips on preventing urinary troubles in cats. By following these guidelines, you can help maintain your cat's urinary health.


5-1. Reduce Stress

Cats are sensitive to stress, and stress can lead to urinary issues. Create a calm environment for your cat, and provide hiding spots and comfortable resting areas. Additionally, use Feliway, a cat appeasing pheromone, to reduce stress.


5-2. Arrange the Toilet Environment

Make sure the litter box is kept clean. Cats are clean animals, and a dirty litter box may discourage them from using it. Use unscented litter and avoid placing the litter box in a noisy or high-traffic area.


5-3. Increase Water Intake

Since cats have a low water intake, it's important to encourage them to drink more water. Provide fresh and clean water, and consider using a cat water fountain to make drinking more appealing. Wet cat food can also contribute to increased water intake.


6. Recommended Items for Urine Health Management

We will introduce some items that can help with the management of your cat's urine health.


6-1. Convenient Cat Litter that Indicates Abnormalities with Color!

There are cat litters available that change color in response to abnormalities in the urine, such as blood or pH changes. Using such litters can help you detect issues early and take prompt action.


6-2. Stay Informed about Urine Conditions with the Smart Toilet "Toletta"

Toletta is a smart toilet for cats that analyzes urine and provides information about your cat's health. It can measure urine volume, color, and even detect potential health issues. Consider using this technology for proactive monitoring of your cat's urinary health.



Caring for your cat's health through urine management is crucial for preventing and detecting urinary system diseases. Regular observation, urine collection, and preventive measures can contribute to keeping your cat happy and healthy. If you notice any abnormalities in your cat's urination, consult with a veterinarian promptly for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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