Is It Okay to Dress Up Cats? Explaining the Functionality, Selection, and Dressing Techniques of Cat Clothes!

Is It Okay to Dress Up Cats? Explaining the Functionality, Selection, and Dressing Techniques of Cat Clothes!

Cats are adorable just by being there, but dressing them up in cat dresses or cosplay brings out a different kind of cuteness.

Also, even if you don't usually dress them up, there are cases where you need to dress them due to illness or injury.

What should you pay attention to when dressing up cats?

This time, we will introduce how to select and dress up cat clothes.


Table of Contents

1. What's the Use of Cat Clothes?
→ 1-1. Temperature Regulation, Dryness Prevention
→ 1-2. Protection Against Illness and Injuries
→ 1-3. For Nursing Care
→ 1-4. For Events
2. Problems That May Arise by Dressing Cats
→ 2-1. Can't Groom Themselves
→ 2-2. Restricted Movement
→ 2-3. Stress
→ 2-4. Safety Issues
3. How to Choose Cat Clothes
→ 3-1. Choose Clothes That Don't Burden the Cat's Body
→ 3-2. Choose the Right Size
→ 3-3. Avoid Clothes with Too Many Decorations
4. How to Dress Cats
→ 4-1. Start with Short Periods to Get Them Used to It
→ 4-2. Distract Them with Treats or Toys
→ 4-3. Take It Off Immediately If They Dislike It


1. What's the Use of Cat Clothes?

Cats have a fine coat of fur that protects them from heat, cold, and dirt without needing clothes.

However, there are times when you must or want to dress up your cat.

We'll explain the situations and purposes for dressing up cats.


1-1. Temperature Regulation, Dryness Prevention

In winter, cats grow thicker fur to cope with the cold.

Especially during cold times, they curl up or fluff their fur to keep warm.

However, kittens, older cats, sick cats, and breeds from warm countries might not regulate their temperature well.

In such cases, wearing clothes can protect them from the cold.

Clothes can also prevent skin dryness, which is common in winter.


1-2. Protection Against Illness and Injuries

The most common scenario for dressing cats is to protect them from illness and injuries.

To prevent them from licking their wounds or pulling stitches, post-surgery clothes are used.

Clothes not only prevent cats from touching their wounds but also protect the wounds from opening or getting infected.

Clothes also help in case of allergies or skin issues, preventing scratching.


1-3. For Nursing Care

Clothes come in handy for cats that urinate due to age or illness when using diapers.

They keep the diaper or manner band from shifting while moving.

They're also useful for preventing accidents when taking cats to the hospital or on trains.


1-4. For Events

While the main reasons to dress cats are health and hygiene, sometimes it's just to enjoy how they look in clothes.

Dressing them up for the New Year's card photo in the next zodiac animal costume, or in a dress for their birthday, brings out a different kind of cuteness.


2. Problems That May Arise by Dressing Cats

While clothes are useful in various situations, for cats, they are nothing but 'foreign objects.'

Having something unnecessary attached to their body can cause problems.

We will introduce some problems that may arise by dressing cats.


2-1. Can't Groom Themselves

Cats constantly groom themselves to keep their coat clean.

Grooming has various effects such as temperature regulation, blood circulation improvement, and prevention of dermatitis, making it an important self-care for cats.

However, wearing clothes prevents them from grooming, meaning they can't take care of themselves as they'd like, which can affect their health and lead to stress.


2-2. Restricted Movement

Humans also feel uncomfortable wearing clothes that are too small, heavy, or made of non-stretchy fabric, limiting movement.

Cats don't understand why they can't move freely, leading to panic or immobilization.

They may also end up in accidents if they can't move away from danger quickly.


2-3. Stress

Cats have keen senses. The sensation of clothes touching their body can be uncomfortable and stressful.

Additionally, cats groom themselves to relieve stress, and being unable to do so can increase their stress levels.


2-4. Safety Issues

Clothes that are too tight or get caught on their legs or neck can endanger cats.

Clothes with many decorations like ribbons or buttons pose a risk of being chewed off and swallowed.


3. How to Choose Cat Clothes

For cats, clothes are basically a source of stress.

To minimize this stress, it's crucial to choose clothes that are comfortable and safe for cats.

When selecting cat clothes, pay attention to the following points.


3-1. Choose Clothes That Don't Burden the Cat's Body

Cats have small and sensitive bodies.

When dressing them, choose clothes that are soft, stretchy, and pleasant to the touch.

Make sure to minimize the burden on the cat's body as much as possible.


3-2. Choose the Right Size

Clothes that are too large can partially come off, getting caught on the cat's body or surrounding objects, leading to stress or accidents.

Conversely, clothes that are too small can constrict the body, causing poor blood circulation or hair loss due to friction between the clothes and skin.

For comfortable wear, it's important to measure properly and choose clothes that fit the cat's body size.


3-3. Avoid Clothes with Too Many Decorations

As mentioned earlier, excessive decorations on clothes can lead to accidental ingestion.

Opt for simpler designs whenever possible.

However, for events or birthdays, you might want to dress them in fancy dresses with many decorations. In such cases, choose clothes with securely sewn decorations, considering safety, and don't leave them unattended while dressed.


4. How to Dress Cats

Cats do not like having foreign objects on their bodies.

Suddenly dressing them can cause discomfort or stress.

When dressing cats, pay attention to the following points.


4-1. Start with Short Periods to Get Them Used to It

Begin by getting them used to the clothes. Initially, just place the clothes around them, allowing them to touch freely.

Once they're accustomed to the presence of clothes, start by dressing them for a few minutes to see how they react.

If they don't show signs of discomfort, gradually increase the dressing time to 10 minutes, 30 minutes, etc., allowing the cat to adjust without stress.


4-2. Distract Them with Treats or Toys

After dressing them, praise them generously and offer treats or toys.

This can distract them from the discomfort of the clothes and help them associate dressing with positive experiences, reducing their resistance to clothes.


4-3. Take It Off Immediately If They Dislike It

To cats, clothes will always be foreign objects.

They might feel uncomfortable due to various reasons, such as the size not fitting, being too heavy, or too rigid.

Watch their movements closely after dressing them. If they struggle or become immobile, it indicates discomfort.

Immediately take off the clothes and check for issues. Even if there are no problems with the clothes, some cats simply may not accept them.

In such cases, do not force them to wear clothes.



We've introduced the benefits, drawbacks, and considerations of cat clothes.

Cats naturally protect their skin from heat, dryness, and dirt with their fur, so clothes are not necessary.

However, clothes can be helpful when they're sick or injured. Additionally, cats dressed in lovely clothes offer a different kind of cuteness.

When dressing cats, choose clothes that are comfortable for them and ensure they don't cause stress.

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