Let's Learn the Rules of the Cat Society! Is it Forbidden to Make Eye Contact? Do They Hold Meetings?

Let's Learn the Rules of the Cat Society! Is it Forbidden to Make Eye Contact? Do They Hold Meetings?

Cats are solitary animals, but they do have a cat society with well-defined rules.

Even though their behaviors may seem mysterious to humans, many of them are common sense in the cat society. In this article, we will talk about the rules of the cat society.


Table of Contents

1. Rules Regarding Greetings
∟ 1-1. It's Etiquette Not to Make Eye Contact
∟ 1-2. Greeting by Smelling Each Other's Scent
2. Rules Regarding Territory
∟ 2-1. Private Area
∟ 2-2. Hunting Area
3. Rules Regarding Winning and Losing
∟ 3-1. Etiquette of Cat Fights
∟ 3-2. Cat Hierarchy
4. Rules Regarding Community Connection
∟ 4-1. Is There a Boss Cat?
∟ 4-2. Reasons for Cat Gatherings


1. Rules Regarding Greetings

First, let's introduce the rules regarding greetings.

The way cats greet each other is completely different from humans. However, it is very efficient in avoiding unnecessary fights and quickly gathering information about the other cat.


1-1. It's Etiquette Not to Make Eye Contact

Unlike humans who consider making eye contact during conversation as good manners, for cats, making eye contact signifies hostility and is considered an etiquette violation.

Therefore, when familiar cats meet within the same territory, they avoid making eye contact and slowly pass by each other. This helps avoid unnecessary fights.

For cats, being stared at is considered impolite. So, even if your cat is cute, try not to stare too much.


1-2. Greeting by Smelling Each Other's Scent

When greeting, cats first touch noses to smell each other's scents. After that, they gradually expand the range by smelling around the mouth, neck, armpits, and even intertwining tails while circling. Finally, they greet by smelling each other's hindquarters.

By sniffing each other's scents, cats gather information about the other cat, such as its identity, state (what it ate, health status, whether it's in heat), and more. Smelling each other's scents is like the cat version of following each other on social media.


2. Rules Regarding Territory

Next, let's introduce the rules regarding cat "territory," which is divided into "private area" and "hunting area."


2-1. Private Area

Equivalent to a human's "home," it is a very small area, and the entry of other cats is generally not allowed. If another cat enters, the resident cat may hiss or chase it away.


2-2. Hunting Area

This is the territory where hunting (activity) takes place, such as finding food or patrolling. It is larger than the private area, and multiple cats may share it without any problems.

In the hunting area, there is no need to actively chase away other cats unless there is a dispute over a specific target.


3. Rules Regarding Winning and Losing

Now, let's discuss the rules regarding winning and losing in the cat society.


3-1. Etiquette of Cat Fights

Cats may occasionally engage in fights to assert their dominance or protect their territory. However, these fights are usually ritualistic and rarely result in serious injury.

During a cat fight, other cats may gather to watch, but they don't actively intervene. It's like a cat version of watching a sports match. After the fight, the cats may groom each other to reaffirm social bonds.


3-2. Cat Hierarchy

Within a group of cats, there is usually a hierarchy based on dominance. The dominant cat gets priority in accessing resources such as food and resting spots. The hierarchy is often established through non-violent interactions, like body language and vocalizations.


4. Rules Regarding Community Connection

Finally, let's explore the rules regarding community connection in the cat society.


4-1. Is There a Boss Cat?

While there isn't always a clear "boss cat," dominant individuals may emerge based on the hierarchy. The boss cat, if one exists, gets more privileges and attention from other cats.


4-2. Reasons for Cat Gatherings

Cats may gather for various reasons, such as mating, sharing territory boundaries, or simply socializing. These gatherings are generally peaceful and serve to strengthen social bonds within the cat community.



Cats have a sophisticated social structure with well-defined rules. Understanding these rules can help cat owners interpret their pets' behaviors and create a harmonious environment for their feline friends.

By respecting the cat society's etiquette and providing a suitable environment, cat owners can ensure their cats lead happy and stress-free lives.

Let's be mindful of the cat society's rules and cherish the unique behaviors and interactions of our feline companions!

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