Short-legged Sphinx!? The New Cat Breed, Bambino

Short-legged Sphinx!? The New Cat Breed, Bambino

Short-legged Sphinx!? The New Cat Breed, Bambino

Sphynx cats are well-known for being nearly hairless, but have you heard of the Bambino cat breed, which looks like a Sphynx but has short legs?

As we explore the differences from the Sphynx, you may become a fan of the adorable Bambino.

In this article, we'll introduce you to the Bambino breed.

Table of Contents

1. What is a Bambino Cat?
1.1. Bambino's History
1.2. Is Munchkin Easily Crossbred with Other Breeds?
1.3. The Origin of the Name Bambino

2. What to Consider When Living with a Bambino?
2.1. Bambino's Personality
2.2. Be Cautious of Ingestion
2.3. Make Playtime a Daily Habit

3. Points to Watch for Bambino's Health
3.1. Focus on Skin Care
3.2. Dressing Them is Good for Health
3.3. Importance of Cold Weather Care

1. What is a Bambino Cat?

The Bambino is a relatively new breed, so many people around the world are not yet familiar with it. However, it has unique characteristics such as being almost hairless and having short legs, which are not seen in other breeds. Therefore, it is becoming a favorite breed among fans.

First, let's find out what kind of cat the Bambino is.

1.1. Bambino's History

The Bambino was officially registered as a breed in 2006, making it a very new breed. Furthermore, its registration with TICA is considered an experimental stage, so it is still under observation to determine if it should be officially recognized as a breed.

Once registered with TICA*, it will be allowed to participate in cat shows, which will quickly spread its name worldwide. Therefore, it can still be considered an unknown breed to the world.

*TICA is the world's largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats, and the largest registry of household pet cats and kittens. Our mission is to encourage our members to be caring, responsible owners and breeders of cats, to actively participate in the promotion of the welfare of all cats. - TICA Official Website

The parents of the Bambino are the nearly hairless Sphynx and the short-legged Munchkin, and a cat with both of these features is recognized as a Bambino. However, there are challenges in establishing it as a breed, as some cats born from these pairings may have hair features similar to the Munchkin or leg length similar to the Sphynx. Therefore, there is ongoing assessment to establish it as a breed.

1.2. Is Munchkin Easily Crossbred with Other Breeds?

Some distinctive cat breeds require crossbreeding with other breeds due to genetic issues. Among them, the Munchkin breed, which has short legs, has a high genetic risk when bred with other short-legged Munchkins, so they are often bred with cats of the same breed with regular leg length or with other breeds.

The Bambino is no exception, and it was bred with the nearly hairless Sphynx to produce cats with short legs and minimal hair. Therefore, the Bambino is a breed with short legs and minimal hair features, but it also presents challenges in establishing it as a breed due to the need to ensure the health of the cats being bred.

1.3. The Origin of the Name Bambino

Bambino is an Italian word that means "baby." This name was chosen because even as adults, Bambino cats do not grow very large, and their distinctive short legs make them look like babies. The appearance of Bambino cats can vary greatly depending on the genes they inherit, with short legs and minimal hair being less likely to occur, making them a rare breed registered with REFR*.

*REFR is committed to the preservation and recognition of rare and exotic cat breeds. We aim to support breeders and owners by providing a reliable registry and promoting the unique qualities of these special cats. - REFR Official Website

2. What to Consider When Living with a Bambino?

If you are considering living with a Bambino, there are some important points to keep in mind to ensure their well-being and happiness. Here are some considerations:

2.1. Bambino's Personality

Bambino cats are known for their friendly and affectionate characteristics. They are social cats that love to be around people and other animals. They are playful and enjoy interacting with their human companions. If you are looking for a cat that will be a loving and loyal companion, the Bambino can be a great choice.

2.2. Be Cautious of Ingestion

Due to their nearly hairless nature, Bambino cats may be more susceptible to skin issues and allergies. It's important to be cautious about the products you use around them and ensure they have a clean and safe environment. Additionally, because of their playful nature, they may be more prone to swallowing small objects, so it's essential to keep small items out of their reach.

2.3. Make Playtime a Daily Habit

Bambino cats are active and playful, so it's important to provide them with regular playtime and mental stimulation. Interactive toys and play sessions can help keep them physically and mentally engaged. Engaging with your Bambino in playtime can strengthen your bond and ensure they have a happy and healthy life.

3. Points to Watch for Bambino's Health

When caring for a Bambino cat, there are specific health considerations to keep in mind to ensure their well-being:

3.1. Focus on Skin Care

Due to their minimal hair, Bambino cats are more susceptible to skin issues, including sunburn and dryness. It's important to provide them with proper skin care, such as applying sunscreen when they are exposed to sunlight and using moisturizing products to prevent dry skin.

3.2. Dressing Them is Good for Health

Because of their lack of fur, Bambino cats may benefit from wearing clothing to keep them warm and protect their skin. Be sure to choose comfortable and breathable fabrics that won't irritate their skin. Dressing them in cute outfits can also be a fun and adorable aspect of owning a Bambino.

3.3. Importance of Cold Weather Care

Bambino cats can be more sensitive to cold weather due to their minimal fur, so it's essential to provide them with a warm and cozy environment during the colder months. Ensure they have access to heated areas or cozy blankets to snuggle in to stay warm and comfortable.


The Bambino, with its almost hairless body and short legs, can be said to be truly unique. Since it loves to move around, there's no doubt that living with it will create many wonderful memories. Due to its lack of hair, the Bambino requires special care, but if you're interested, considering living with one might be a great idea.

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