What Foods Do Cats Like? -Things to Consider for Their Diet-

What Foods Do Cats Like? -Things to Consider for Their Diet-

It's incredibly adorable to see cats enjoy their food, isn't it?

So, what kind of food do they like?

In this article, we will introduce the foods cats love and also discuss what to be cautious about when feeding them.



1. Foods Cats Love
∟1-1. Bonito Flakes
∟1-2. Meat
∟1-3. Cheese
∟1-4. Sashimi
∟1-5. Dairy Products
2. Foods Not to Feed Cats
∟2-1. Alliums
∟2-2. Octopus/Squid
∟2-3. Bread
∟2-4. Avocado/Grapes
3. Important Considerations and Tips for Feeding Cats
∟3-1. Cats and Humans Need Different Nutrients
∟3-2. Excessive Salt Intake Is Bad
∟3-3. Do Not Give Human Food


1. Foods Cats Love

Cats seem to love eating, and they have many favorites.

It's important to know what foods cats like and to feed them in moderation.


1-1. Bonito Flakes

Bonito flakes are often the first thing that comes to mind as a cat favorite.

The smell of bonito flakes seems irresistible to cats.

However, instead of regular bonito flakes sold at supermarkets, it's better to feed them bonito flakes made for cats.

Various manufacturers, including the well-known Inaba, offer bonito flakes for cats.

Even cat-specific bonito flakes should not be fed in excess due to their high magnesium content.

Instead of feeding them with every meal, treat them like a snack, given once every few days.


1-2. Meat

Cats are carnivores, not omnivores, and they naturally hunt their prey even today.

They love meat, especially chicken, which is low in fat and safe to eat.

While cats also enjoy beef and pork, these should not be given raw to avoid the risk of parasites.

Cooked meat is safe, but a diet solely consisting of meat can lead to calcium depletion as meat lacks calcium.


1-3. Cheese

Cats don't just love bonito flakes and meat; they also like cheese.

Many cats like milk and, by extension, cheese, due to the breakdown of proteins into amino acids during cheese production, which cats can detect, making cheese appealing to them.

Like other favorites, cheese should not be fed with every meal but is fine in moderation, every few days.

Opt for cat-specific cheese products.


1-4. Sashimi

Japan, being an island nation with a rich fishing industry, has cats that are naturally inclined to like sashimi.

This preference may have originated from cats eating discarded fish, making sashimi a favored food.

While raw sashimi is generally safe, care should be taken due to the risk of parasites.

A few pieces of sashimi per day are fine, but a balanced diet is crucial to avoid nutritional deficiencies.


1-5. Dairy Products

Cats love dairy products, including cheese, milk, and yogurt.

This preference might stem from the taste of their mother's milk during kittenhood.

While milk is not harmful, using it as a substitute for water can cause digestive issues, so it's best avoided.

Some cats also love butter and cream.


2. Foods Not to Feed Cats

There are certain foods that cats should never eat as they can cause illness.

Some of these foods might be favorites but should be avoided.


2-1. Alliums

Alliums contain "allyl propyl disulfide," which is toxic to cats.

Even a small amount can cause breathing difficulties or vomiting.

Keep alliums away from cats to prevent accidental ingestion.


2-2. Octopus/Squid

While cats love fish and seafood, octopus and squid must be avoided as they can destroy vitamin B1, leading to deficiency symptoms.

These seafoods are also hard for cats to digest.


2-3. Bread

Being carnivores, cats have a hard time digesting grains, and the high salt content in human bread is harmful.

Obesity, a risk factor for reduced lifespan, can result from feeding bread to cats.


2-4. Avocado/Grapes

Avocado and grapes contain "persin," harmless to humans but toxic to pets, causing nausea and internal damage if ingested.

3. Important Considerations and Tips for Feeding Cats

What should you be cautious about when feeding cats, and what health tips should you know?

Take a moment to read and check.


3-1. Cats and Humans Need Different Nutrients

Cats and humans require different balances of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

For humans, the ideal intake ratio is 18% protein, 14% fat, and 68% carbohydrates. For cats, it's 35% protein, 20% fat, and 45% carbohydrates.

This difference is due to cats' inability to absorb certain nutrients efficiently.

Before feeding your cat, consider whether the food is suitable for them.


3-2. Excessive Salt Intake Is Bad

Cats should consume only 1-2g of salt per day, much less than the human recommendation.

Excess salt intake can lead to serious health issues for cats.

Check food labels before feeding your cat and consult a vet if unsure about their diet.


3-3. Do Not Give Human Food

Avoid feeding cats human food, as it's often too salty and can harm their kidneys and heart.

Choose cat food with minimal chemical additives and be cautious about foods that are harmless to humans but dangerous for cats.

Resist giving in to your cat's pleas for human food.



Cats prefer meat, fish, and dairy products but can suffer adverse effects from overeating. Balance is key in their diet, just as with human health.

Take care of your cat's health and enjoy a long, healthy life together.

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