What to Do as a Cat Owner When Your Pet Leaves and Doesn't Come Back?

What to Do as a Cat Owner When Your Pet Leaves and Doesn't Come Back?

Have you ever experienced the situation where your indoor cat suddenly leaves home and doesn't come back?

Actually, stories of indoor cats leaving home and not returning are quite common.

If your cat has left home and hasn't returned, as an owner, you may worry and wonder what to do.

In this article, we will explain what actions and measures to take as a cat owner when your cat has left and hasn't returned.


Table of Contents

1. Reasons Why Your Cat Left and Hasn't Come Back
∟1-1. Chasing a Female Cat and Getting Lost
∟1-2. Facing Dangerous Situations
∟1-3. Injured and Unable to Move
∟1-4. Disliking Indoor Living
2. What to Do When Your Cat Doesn't Come Back
∟2-1. Search Without Delay
∟2-2. How to Search
∟2-3. Create Posters or Flyers
∟2-4. Avoid Over-Pursuing
3. If Your Cat Is Not Found for a Long Time
∟3-1. Report to Police, Health Department, or Animal Shelter
∟3-2. Hire a Professional Pet Detective
∟3-3. Use Social Media


1. Reasons Why Your Cat Left and Hasn't Come Back

There are various reasons why your cat may have left and not come back, mainly stemming from the cat's instincts and behavior, including the following:


1-1. Chasing a Female Cat and Getting Lost

If your male cat is not neutered, when it encounters a female cat in heat outside, the male cat instinctively chases the female cat.

Indoor male cats, not accustomed to the outdoor environment, might get lost while chasing the female cat and may not find their way back home.


1-2. Facing Dangerous Situations

Cats, regardless of gender, instinctively avoid dangerous situations.

For example, if they are startled by a loud noise, feel threatened by an oncoming car, or are chased by other animals like dogs or cats, they may run to escape danger.

They might run far away and then not find their way back home due to unfamiliarity with the surroundings.


1-3. Injured and Unable to Move

Your cat might be injured due to a traffic accident or a fight with other cats, making it unable to move.

If the cat's injuries are severe, it might hide and be unable to return home until it heals.


1-4. Disliking Indoor Living

It's possible that your cat, which has been indoors, became dissatisfied with indoor living.

Cats that have lived outdoors, such as stray cats, may not be content with indoor living and may find an opportunity to escape and not return.

Perhaps, it wanted to be liberated from indoor confinement.


2. What to Do When Your Cat Doesn't Come Back

When your cat has left and hasn't returned, you cannot just wait for it to come back.

You will be worried about whether it is injured or feeling lonely.

If your cat hasn't returned for some time, here are the steps to take:


2-1. Search Without Delay

Don't wait for too long, hoping that your cat will return on its own.

Start searching your neighborhood and nearby areas as soon as you notice that your cat is missing.


2-2. How to Search

When searching for your cat, take some of its favorite toys or treats with you.

Call your cat's name and shake the toys or treats to attract its attention.

Walk around quietly and listen for any response.

If your cat is hiding, it might respond to the familiar sound of its name or the sound of treats.


2-3. Create Posters or Flyers

Create posters or flyers with clear photos of your cat, your contact information, and details about when and where it was last seen.

Post these around your neighborhood and in public places where people can easily see them.


2-4. Avoid Over-Pursuing

While searching for your cat, be careful not to over-pursue and scare it away.

Approach calmly and avoid making sudden movements or loud noises.

Your cat may be frightened and hiding, so a gentle and patient approach is essential.


3. If Your Cat Is Not Found for a Long Time

If your cat is not found despite your efforts, it's time to take additional steps:


3-1. Report to Police, Health Department, or Animal Shelter

Contact your local police, health department, and animal shelters to report your missing cat.

Provide them with a detailed description and a clear photo of your cat.


3-2. Hire a Professional Pet Detective

If you can afford it, consider hiring a professional pet detective.

These individuals have experience in finding lost pets and may use specialized techniques to track down your cat.


3-3. Use Social Media

Utilize social media platforms to spread the word about your missing cat.

Post pictures, details, and contact information on local community groups and pages dedicated to lost and found pets.

People in your area may share the information and help in the search.


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